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Australia Immigration from Saudi Arabia

If you are a skilled worker in Saudi Arabia, immigration to Australia can open the doors of liberal society, democratic values, vibrant lifestyle, and high-income jobs in top organizations for you. Australia is a magnet for skilled workers and professionals all across the world.

However, to immigrate to Australia from Saudi Arabia as a skilled worker, you need to have skills and experience to work in the high demand occupations in Australia. Apart from this, you also require following the point-based immigration system to apply and obtain a Skilled Visa in Australia.

Let's take a look at both these key aspects of Australia immigration from Saudi Arabia.

How to Apply for High Demand Occupations in Australia?

Australia releases a Skilled Occupation List (SOL) every year to invite applications from skilled migrants across the globe. You must select an occupation from the relevant Skilled Occupation List or Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) to apply for a skilled visa in Australia. However, you must have the skills and experience matching the occupation you have chosen.

Once you have chosen occupation, you need to apply for the right Australian skilled visa, i.e. Subclass 189 Visa, Subclass 190 visa, Subclass 457 visa or Subclass 489 Visa. The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) has designed the entire above-mentioned visa categories based on the state nomination, employer sponsorship, independent skilled visa application, etc. If you are looking for Australia immigration from Saudi Arabia, you must choose the most appropriate visa category among the above.

How to follow the Point-based Immigration System of Australia

Australia has got a point-based system in place for immigration procedure. As per this system, applicants interested in skilled migration to Australia (through subclass 189, 190 and 491 visas) need to submit EOI in Australia's SkillSelect System. Once an applicant submits an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the SkillSelect system, it allocates the points to a candidate based on his/her age, education, work experience, language skills, etc., factors. The applicants selected for Australia immigration receive the Invitation to Apply (ITA) to apply for a visa in Australia through the SkillSelect system. An applicant needs to apply for the visa within 60 days of the receipt of ITA.

Key documents required to apply in the SkillSelect system are as follows:

  • Skill Assessment Report from a relevant assessing authority to confirm that you possess skills to get employed in high demand occupations in Australia
  • IELTS English Test Result to get your proficiency level confirmed in the English Language.

Visas Avenue- Making Immigration to Australia from Saudi Arabia hassle-free for applicants.

If you plan to get permanent residency in Australia from Saudi Arabia, you may coordinate with reliable and most experienced visa and immigration experts at Visas Avenue Immigration.

We at Visas Avenue are the leading Visa Consultancy Company for Australia Immigration and visa process. If you wish to discuss your eligibility or immigration process for Australia immigration with the certified migration expert, you may call at contact nos. 011-48447777, 011-46194650 (Delhi), 080-46668222 (Bangalore), or 040-42467777 (Hyderabad).

Visas Avenue experts are also available on Skype Id- visas.avenue or visas.avenue1. You may also forward your immigration enquiries to Visas Avenue email id-

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