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MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India

Are you looking for MARA registered Australian migration agents in India?

Using a Registered Migration Agent

The Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection recommends using a registered migration agent when selecting an Australian immigration consultant. You can find a list of MARA registered Australian migration agents on the Office of the MARA website:

Who are MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents?

MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India are people registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (Office of the MARA) to provide immigration assistance. Only registered migration agents can legally give immigration assistance in Australia. Migration agents must be registered with the Office of the MARA if they operate in Australia. Registered Migration Agents are bound by a Code of Conduct and are required to have an in-depth knowledge of Australian migration law and procedure and meet high professional and ethical standards.

Do You Need to Use a MARA Registered Australian Migration Agent?

Usually, you are not required to use a migration agent if you are lodging a visa application by yourself. However, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection recommends using a MARA Registered Australian Migration Agent if you wish to seek help and assistance from an agent. You can search for a registered agent outside Australia on the Office of the MARA website. Go to 'Search for an Agent' and search by location details: 'Country'.

Visas Avenue MARA Registered Migration Agent

You can contact Visas Avenue for all your Australian visa requirements. Visas Avenue is a registered Australian immigration expert who will provide honest and trusted services to help you obtain your Australian migration visas. Visas Avenue provides expert Australian immigration advice and visa application services to improve your chances of a successful visa outcome. Visit their testimonials page to learn more about their services. You can also contact them by sending an email to

Our team boasts a senior associate who is a MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority) member, registered to offer advice for Immigration to Australia. This prestigious accreditation signifies that our senior Immigration Expert possesses the expertise and authority to provide vital guidance to individuals seeking to immigrate to Australia.

Meet Sunil Ghai (MARN 1683007), our esteemed MARA Registered Agent.

At Visas Avenue, we are proud of our team of certified and registered Immigration experts and professionals. We have a proven track record of successfully securing visa approvals for our clients seeking to immigrate to Australia.

Let Visas Avenue guide you on a smooth, hassle-free, and uncomplicated journey to Australia. We offer exceptional immigration solutions tailored to your unique needs.

What MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India Can Do for You

  • Explain your visa options and recommend a suitable visa
  • Prepare the documents for your visa application
  • Lodge a well-prepared application with all required documents, which can expedite the decision-making process by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP)
  • Contact DIBP or other organizations to discuss or ask questions about your application

What MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India Cannot Do

  • Guarantee your application's success. The Department makes the final decision.
  • Help you obtain a visa if you do not meet the visa requirements.
  • Guarantee faster processing of your application. Processing times depend on various factors.

What MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India Should Do

  • Be honest about your chances of securing a visa
  • Keep you informed about your application's progress and any changes that may affect it
  • Be contactable during business hours and inform you of any changes to their contact details
  • Act within the law, your best interests, and protect your privacy
  • Declare any conflicts of interest that may affect your application and refrain from acting for you if a conflict exists
  • Provide you with a written statement outlining the services to be provided, estimated fees, and other costs before starting work on your case
  • Charge a reasonable fee and keep any advance payments in a separate bank account
  • Provide you with an invoice listing the actual services completed and the amount payable
  • Provide timely and accurate advice and inform you about the result of your application as soon as possible

Code of Conduct

All registered migration agents must follow the Code of Conduct for agents and must meet the obligations set out in the Code of Conduct. The code of conduct details the professional and ethical standards for registered migration agents.

Consumer Guide

When you sign a contract, your registered migration agent must give you a copy of the Consumer Guide. The Consumer Guide includes a summary of the Code, what you can expect from your agent, what the Office of the MARA does, and how you can complain to them if you need to. For further information please refer to the Office of the MARA website

What is immigration assistance?

A person gives immigration assistance if he or she uses, or claims to use, his or her knowledge or experience in migration procedure to assist a person with matters related under the Migration Act 1958 by:

  • preparing, or helping to prepare, a visa application or other document
  • advising about a visa application or visa matter
  • preparing for proceedings before a court or review authority in relation to a visa application or visa matter, and
  • representing in proceedings before a court or review authority in relation to a visa application or visa matter.

Immigration assistance does not include simply filling in an application form, translating or interpreting or passing on information about an application without comment or explanation.

Here are the things you will learn through Visas Avenue team.

Using MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India

Getting help with your Australian visa application What an Australian registered migration agent can do for you Risks of receiving assistance from an unregistered migration agent

Resolving disputes with your Australian Registered migration agent

How can the office of the MARA can help Fee disputes Make a complaint about an Australian Migration agent

About Australian Registered migration agent

How to choose and find an Australian registered migration agent Australian Migration Agent’s Code of Conduct

Working with your Australian Registered migration agent

  • What to expect from your Australian Migration agent Australian Migration Agent fees
  • Registration requirements to become a MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India
  • Knowledge Requirements English Language Professional indemnity insurance National Police Check Professional Library Other Requirements Registration Costs Photographs Setting up a business

Registration process to become a MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India

Apply for registration as a migration agent If your application is approved If your application is refused If you are registered with the New Zealand Immigration Advisers Authority

Professional standards and obligations of a MARA Registered Australian Migration Agents in India

Managing client relationships Code of conduct & practice guides Occupational competency standards Ethical framework.

If you need further assistance, please contact Visas Avenue migration expert at Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777 or you can drop us an e-mail at

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Customers Say?

Visas Avenue is one of the rare business organizations, which rely heavily on word-of-mouth publicity from clients. Our clients are our primary advertisers. It is also evident from a significant number of positive client reviews and feedback we receive every day

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