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We are Registered to offer Advice for Immigration to Australia

Visas Avenue is an Independent Visa and Immigration Consultancy Company that advice on Australia Immigration. It is not in affiliation with Australia's government; instead, it offers valuable immigration advice to the Australia immigration applicants through registered migration agents.

We have an incredible record of obtaining visa approvals for the Australian visa applicants via providing vital assistance inappropriate visa program selection, documentation assistance, etc.

All the Australia migration agents and agencies offering Australia immigration advice needs to register with MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority). Based in Sydney, the MARA office is associated with DHA.

It came in existence, under section 316 of the Australian Migration Act 1958. The MARA is the regulatory body for Australian migration Agents services. Its control and govern the inclusive regulatory framework, which includes key provisions of the act mentioned.

The key objectives of the Office of Migration Agents Registration Authority (OMARA) are:

  • The registered migration agents realize and value their duties.
  • The OMARA aims to register only appropriate people as agents and reject the inappropriate people for registration or re-registration with MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority).
  • Individuals require immigration services to be aware of their rights.
  • The Migration Agents uphold the required skills and the knowledge needed to offer precise and timely advice to their clients, i.e. Australian visa applicants.
  • The clients have an efficient way to complain.
  • Check the uprightness and integrity of conduct and quality of immigration process assistance.
  • To handle complaints proficiently.

Registered to offer advice for Immigration to Australia

Our Australia immigration cases handling team's senior associate is a MARA (Migration Agents Registration Authority) member. The MARA authorizes our senior Immigration Expert to offer essential advice on Australia Immigration to different immigration applicants.

The details of the MARA Registration status of our team members are as follows:

MARA Registered Agent NameMARN (Migration Agent Registration Number)

Sunil Ghai1683007

With its team of certified and registered Immigration experts and professionals, Visas Avenue maintains an excellent record of obtaining the visa approvals for its clients aka Australia immigration applicants. Visas Avenue offers you excellent immigration solutions to make your journey to Australia, smooth, hassle-free and uncomplicated.

If you have any query, feedback or assistance, you may contact us on Visas Avenue Customer Care Number.

What Our
Customers Say?

Visas Avenue is one of the rare business organizations, which rely heavily on word-of-mouth publicity from clients. Our clients are our primary advertisers. It is also evident from a significant number of positive client reviews and feedback we receive every day

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