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Employer’s nomination scheme (Subclass 186)

Disclaimer –Visas Avenue does not provide any guidance or assistance on employers nomination scheme Subclass186. This page is only for information purpose. Visas Avenue provides documentation assistance related to the different visa categories.

Employers nomination scheme visa is for the employers in Australia who wants to recruit highly skilled people from overseas or temporary workers within Australia to fill in the vacant places in their business permanently.

Are you looking for Australia Permanent Residency Visa process ?

Requisites of the visa:-

Employment Requirement

  1. Must be lawfully and actively operational in Australia
  2. Should provide the full-time permanent employment offer and demonstrate the employee’s genuine need for specific skills from overseas to the labour market.
  3. Should abide by the local and immigration laws.
  4. Should have the systematic and structured training plan for the existing and the new employees.


  1. Should have a nomination for a position that falls within the scope of SOL List.
  2. Should have positive skill assessment for the nominated occupation from the relevant assessing authorities.
  3. Should have at least three years of working experience in the nominated occupation.
  4. In case the nomination is for a highly paid senior executive position, the salary should not be less than 250000 per annum (excluding superannuation and other benefits)
  5. Should have an employer willing to sponsor you permanently
  6. Demonstrate that you possess the necessary skills required for that occupation and the relevant licencing/registration if the occupation demands
  7. Should be under 45 years of age
  8. Should have at least functional English ability.
  9. Have worked in Australia for a minimum of last two years on a temporary visa in the nominated occupation, including at least the last year for the nominating employer. Those just graduated and entering the workforce will need to apply for a Graduate Visa to Australia.
  10. Should undergo health and character examination before lodging the visa

Privileges of the Visa:-

  • live and work in Australia permanently
  • study in Australia at school or university
  • receive subsidised healthcare through Medicare and the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS)
  • access certain social security payments (subject to waiting periods)
  • be eligible for Australian citizenship (subject to the residency eligibility criteria)
  • Sponsor people for permanent residence.

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa Subclass 186

Find below the visa fees for Subclass 186 Visa:

Visa subclass Base application charge Additional applicant charge 18 and over Additional applicant charge under 18
Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) AUD4,115 AUD2,060 AUD1,030

Note: The visa fees given above is subject to change and revision periodically. Hence, you may contact Visas Avenue, immigration expert, for any clarification or confirmation of the latest visa fees.

Additional charges:-

  • Medical Examination:-To be paid directly to the doctor conducting the medical examination
  • Police check:-To the corresponding authorities in the respective countries where you have lived for more than 6/12 months depending on the visa subclass
  • Certification/Translation of Docs-Depending on the certifying person and number of copies to be certified.

If you seek documentation assistance for Canada or Australia PR Visa, you may contact Visas Avenue immigration expert on Toll-Free Number- 78-18-000-777. Alternatively, e-mail your queries to

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