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What is Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP)?

The SINP (Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program) is a specific immigration program of Saskatchewan, Canada. The SINP allows the Saskatchewan to choose the eligible candidates for the permanent residency in the province and subsequently nominate them to the federal government. SINP has not fixed the time limit for the application intake. The SINP selects the candidates based on the criteria, i.e. education, experience, skills, etc. However, the criteria may change without intimation as per the province’s requirement, and the PNP  is likely to process further applications based on the latest criteria.

Below are the key features of the SINP

  • SINP offers fair application processing time
  • The immigration officers of the province offer assistance and help during the immigration procedure
  • It accepts a certain number of applications every year for all individual categories of SINP.
  • The candidates get selected as per the need and requirement of Saskatchewan’s labour market

SINP-Skilled Worker Streams & important aspects of applying to

The Saskatchewan PNP has a few key streams through which it invites the skilled and talented peopleand subsequently nominates them for Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) Visa. Find out the key SINP- ISW (International Skilled Worker) streams and some aspects of applying to SINP:

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