The Canadian Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) are truly on a role this year. On 18 May 2023, four provinces conducted immigration draws for their respective PNPs to invite record 3,422 candidates in a single day to apply for the provincial nomination for Canadian PR (Permanent Resident) Visa. Find below recent PNP draw details.
Saskatchewan PNP draw on 18 May
Saskatchewan conducted draw for key subcategories of its International Skilled Worker (ISW) Category to invite total 1,044 candidates to apply for the provincial nomination. Find below the draw results.
Dates of ITA | Category | Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate | Total candidates invited | Remarks |
May 18, 2023 | Occupations in-Demand | 67 | 260 | Invited Candidates had Educational |
May 18, 2023 | Express Entry | 67 | 784 | Invited Candidates had Educational |
Total |
| 1,044 |
Find below the list of NOC Occupation codes, selected for the EOI selection:
13201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100, 13201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
Ontario PNP draw on 18 May
Ontario issued 1,694 NOIs (Notifications of Interest) to apply for provincial nomination to the candidates with CRS score range- 250-489. Here is the draw result table:
Date/time NOIs issued | Number of NOIs issued | CRS score range | Profiles created in IRCC’s Express Entry system | Notes |
May 18, 2023 | 1,694 | 250-489 | May 18, 2022 – May 18, 2023 | Targeted draw |
Manitoba PNP draw on 18 May
Manitoba held the Occupation-Specific and All-Occupation draws of Manitoba PNP on 18 May 2023 to issue total 526 Letters of Advice (LAAs) to apply for provincial nomination. Here are the details:
Date | Category | No. of LAAs | Minimum Score Requirement |
| Skilled Workers in Manitoba | 191 | 701 |
18 May 2023 | International Education Stream | 21 |
Skilled Workers Overseas | 27 | 721 | |
Total LAAs Issued: | 239 |
Prince Edward Island PNP draw on 18 May
The monthly scheduled draw of the PEI PNP held on 18 May 2023 to issue total 158 Invitations to Apply (ITAs). Fin below the draw result:
Invitation Date | Business Work Permit | Minimum Point Threshold | Labour & Express Entry Invitations | Invitation Totals |
Entrepreneur Invitations | for Business Invitations | over last 12 months | ||
May 18, 2023 | 3 | 65 | 155 | 158 |
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)
The Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) of Canada are inviting a significant number of candidates this year through periodic immigration draws. The PNPs play a vital role in Canadian immigration every year as they invite, assess, select and nominate a huge number of skilled and talented people for Canadian PR (Permanent Resident) Visa. As per Canada immigration level plan in the year 2023, Canadian PNPs will welcome 105,500 new permanent residents.
Hence, if you wish to apply for Canada PR visa this year, the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) can prove a key pathway for you to apply for and acquire the Canadian PR (Permanent Resident) Visa.
Also read-
Scheduled May 2023 Draw of PEI PNP- Prince Edward Island issued 158 ITAs
MPNP Latest draws on 18 May- Manitoba issues 526 Letters of Advice
OINP- Skilled Trades Stream Draw 18 May- Ontario Issues 1,694 NOIs
Saskatchewan PNP Draw for ISW category invites 1,044 Candidates on 18 May
For further details and trusted assistance, you may call qualified and seasoned Visa Advisor at Visas Avenue on Toll-Free-Number- 78-18-000-777. Alternatively, you can drop us an e-mail at