Australian home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, has announced key reforms in Australia’s immigration system at the National Press Club on Thursday. The government will thoroughly streamline Australia’s migration system by employing a three-tiered assessment designed to cut red tape and decrease delays to permanent residency.
As per the minister, the government would move to scrap labour market testing to help new skills assessments and assured fairer pay thresholds for incoming workers, as a consequence of a migration review.
Australia to Streamline the immigration System
The new reforms in Australia’s Migration System will focus on refining the integrity of the visa system, shifting foreign student visas away from a de facto work visa towards more skilled graduates and revamping the points system for permanent migration to benefit people who make the greatest contribution to Australia.
Here are key statements/points revealed by the minister Clare O’Neil regarding upcoming enhancements to migration system of Australia:
Speaking on this occasion, Australian prime minister, Anthony Albanese, said “the migration system that we inherited was broken”, citing the fact that more than 1 million people were waiting for visas.
He further added, “What we need to do is to make sure that we identify the skills we need, identify the regions where we need additional workforce, and tailor our migration system so that it benefits those people who come to Australia, but more importantly as well, so that it benefits our national interests,”.
At Visas Avenue, we will post more details about the upcoming changes upon getting more clarity on the same. To explore the same, do visit the news section on VA website regularly.
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To confirm further details and apply for immigration to Australia this year on relevant Australian visa, you may get in touch with vastly experienced Australia migration expert at Visas Avenue. You may call VA migration expert on Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777 or you can drop us an e-mail at