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Immigration News

IRCC invites PNP Candidates in the 12th May Express Entry Draw

The Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has opened the latest Express Entry draw on May 12, 2021.This is a program-specific draw dedicated to Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) candidates only. The IRCC has invited 557 candidates (who have the provincial nomination) in this particular draw of Express Entry System. Let us find out more details.

Express Entry Draw on 12th May The IRCC has invited 557 PNP candidates in this draw. The CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) score requirement in this latest EE draw is 752 points. It is understandably high considering it is for PNP candidates, who already have 600 CRS points earned through provincial nomination. Express Entry Draw on May 12, 2021

Date EE Category No. of ITAs Minimum CRS Score Requirement Tie-breaking rule
May 12, 2021 Only for PNP Candidates 557 752 April 29, 2021 at 10:18:12 UTC

Now, after this latest PNP category program-specific draw, now IRCC has invited 62,328 candidates in 16 program-specific EE draws opened this year. This number is excessively high, if we compare it to the invitations issued last year at the same time. Click here to see the complete list of EE draws until the date Express Entry Draw on 12th May If you are waiting for the ITA (Invitation to Apply) since long, but not getting the same due to low CRS score, you may choose to apply in any of the Canadian Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). If you apply in a PNP and are nominated, it will make you eligible to get extra 600 CRS points in your Express Entry account. With this increase CRS score, you are bound to get the ITA (Invitation to Apply) to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) from the Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). If you need assistance to apply for Canadian PR via Express Entry or Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) this year, you may contact a trusted Canada migration expert at Visas Avenue on Toll-Free-Number-78-18-000-777 or send us an e-mail at

- Rajneesh Kumar

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