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Immigration News

Moving to USA from India? Now get Quick visa appointments in a third country

The US visa aspirants in India can now get quick visa appointments in a third country. US Embassy in India in its latest statement has announced that Indians who wish to move to an overseas country will now be able to get visa appointments in the consulate of that country. The idea behind this whole measure is to reduce delays in US Visa processing

The Embassy has given the example of Thailand, which has opened B1/B2 appointment capacity for Indians planning to come to the island nation in the next few months. The waiting period in Bangkok for B1/B2 interviews is just 14 days.

  • Quick US visa appointments through third country route

Making this announcement via its tweet on February 3, 2023, the US embassy in India said, “Do you have upcoming international travel? If so, you may be able to get a visa appointment at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your destination. For example, @USEmbassyBKK has opened B1/B2 appointment capacity for Indians who will be in Thailand in the coming months,"

  • The US is Taking measures to reduce Wait times

There have been mounting worries over the long waiting period for first-time visa applicants. The waiting period for first-time B1/B2 visa applicants in India was nearly 3 years in October 2022.

Although the wait time for a student visa (F-1) has stabilized to about 90 days, business and tourist visas (B-1, B-2) processing times remain high, i.e. nearly 2 years in most consulates around the nation. Recently, the US embassy launched a number of new measures, including the following:

  • Arranging special interviews for first-time applicants and growing strength of consular staff, to decrease visa-processing delays.
  • The mission has also commenced arranging interviews on select Saturdays.
  • The US State Department has also employed remote processing of interview waiver cases for candidates with previous US visas.

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To know more and apply for an overseas visa this year, you may contact qualified and trusted immigration advisor and experts at Visas Avenue. You may call VA immigration expert on Toll-Free No. 78-18-000-777 or you can drop us an e-mail at

- Rajneesh Kumar

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