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Temporary religious worker (R-1) Visa

Temporary religious worker (R-1) visas are for the foreign applicants with the job offer who want to work temporarily in a non-profit religious organization or an organization affiliated with a religious denomination in the US.

Disclaimer – Visas Avenue does not provide any guidance or assistance on USA employment/work visa. This page is only for information purpose. Visa Avenue provide documentation assistance related to the different government program

To be eligible to apply as a temporary religious worker you the aspirant must:-

  • Be a member of same religious denomination as of the USA organisation for which you plan to work for at least two years before applying for the visa.
  • Be coming to work as a minister or in a religious vocation or occupation in the United States.
  • Be employed as part time (at last 20 hrs. per week) in a non-profit organization.

For some temporary activities mentioned below visitor visa B needs to be applied:-

  • Private worship
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Informal religious study
  • Attendance at religious services or conferences in the United States

An R1 visa entitles the holder to live and work in the US temporarily. An R1 visa is usually granted for an initial period of 3 years and extensions may be granted.

Spouse and dependent children below 21 years of age can join the principal applicant on R2 Visa by submitting their individual application either at the same time or later. However in order to be eligible to work, separate work visa needs to be applied.

Government Fees and Processing Times

Application Fee                           US$325-US$1550/US$190

Partner Application Fee          US$325-US$1550/US$190

Dependents Application Fee  US$325-US$1550/US$190

Processing Time                        15 days - 3 months

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